Monday, 26 March 2012

The First

First posts are always scary, I never know what to write. I guess an introduction is in order. Fantail Cosplay, is but a name, a stand alone cosplayer who needs a place to post up progress pics, and write about goings on for myself and for friends as its starting to take over my Facebook, and I feel Cosplayisland is a place I don't go into depth enough, plus I cannot write things there like I can here, where i can post links, images, tutorials I'm following, where i bought materials. also a place to list things to help friends when i find them or come across things. I have tried to make scrap books before, they work for a short time, but after a while I either fill the book, loose it or forget about it (that and others cant read it).

So here's to a new start! I hope this helps people, and unclog my Facebook haha. This will be run alongside my  new website Fantail creative, my DeviantART account and of course my Cosplayisland =) so hopefully all will tie in together here!

Posts will be made as I make progress, whether it be just a single photo, a short bit of text, or a wall of rant from how things are going so badly, though I hope that wont happen too much. So until the next post, here's a picture of what I am currently working on, and a Link to my Cosplayisland where you can see some of the current progress pictures.

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